Your email address will not be published. You want these gals to be in great shape for breeding, this means keeping them growing at their best up until breeding time or holding them over to breed next year. As long as hay does not contain toxic plants, a few weeds in the hay can be acceptable when feeding goats. As a general rule of thumb, grass hay is best for horsesalfalfa or other legume hay can be an excellent feed to mix with grass hay for animals that need more protein. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, 806-746-6101,; Discussion of forage quality it is fairly common, and the emphasis placed on forage quality among forage growers and livestock feeders ranges from none to strong consideration. Get high quality hay. Mature sheep can get by on good-quality grass hay, but lambs do better with a legumeharvested while still growing so that it has finer stems. Wed love to hear from you if you have any questions! Low sugar varieties of grass hay are best if you can get it, or a mix of grass & alfalfa. Once the person you are buying from understands what you want, this horse hay thing wont be an issue. They can grow as long as five inches in some varieties. In Oregon your hays might have higher NSCs than the common ones we see here on the East Coast, but if they have not caused your mare a problem in the past, I would not expect it to happen now. By mixed, I mean the hay has some grass and some alfalfa in it. It is usually 8- 9% protein as fed and for horses that don't tend to put on weight and have moderate to heavy workloads, it may serve as a supplement to regular feed. When fed on dry, well-sodded, snow covered or frozen ground, however, sheep will clean up fine hay better than cattle because of their smaller mouths and ability to pick up the leaves. Our supplier was out of oat seed but could deliver rye and beardless wheat seed, unsure of which beardless wheat seed . Alfalfa Hay is also higher in Calcium, with about 3 times as much as Grass Hay. Make sure your alfalfa hay is full of leaves. to get the details. For example, some growers expecting 80-100 bu. Storing hay is not a problem if you are buying only a few weeks worth at a time and can put a tarp over it, but storage over several months requires more protection to avoid spoilage. Use your nose as well as your eyes. She is getting no grain, and she has never developed laminitis, inflammation of the soft connective tissues within the foot that can result from a variety of causes, including a diet too rich in NSCs. Here in Ohio, we commonly see alfalfa, orchard grass, timothy and mixed hays. Cereal grain crops (especially oats) can make good hay when cut while still green and growing, rather than waiting for the seed heads to mature for grain. Mixed hays or even hay with a few weeds shows that it was not sprayed. If buying alfalfa hay, youll want to know if it is first, second or third cutting (or later), and at what stage of growth it was harvested. If you have a source of well made timothy hay, consider yourself to be pretty lucky and buy some for your flock! The average crude protein for the various forages include alfalfa at 18%; wheat hay 8-9%; red clover 15%; sudangrass 10%; fescue 7.5%; milo stubble 6%; prairie hay 5.8%; and corn stover 5.2%. Beardless WW, trit, barley. Cut in the boot to very early head emergence growth stage, it can have a high nutrient content. The choice between alfalfa and oat hay depends on price per unit of energy or protein and the type of horse being fed. Moldy or really dusty hay is your other concern. There are a number of considerations participants in the forage production, marketing, and utilization that individuals can do to enhance the benefit as a grower or user. NSC - average of 22.1%
During the cold winter months when pastures contain scant forage, hay is the typical diet for cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Varieties that dont have a beard are referred to as awnless or beardless varieties. Is it better to feed her grass hay higher in nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) or alfalfa lower in NSCs but higher in calories? How much hay will your flock need this year? Depending on the area of the country in which it is grown, oat hay can be low in protein and contain only marginal calcium, phosphorus and carotene." endstream
But what is it about beardless wheat that is viewed so highly? The stems, not so much. A: From what you have told me, I wouldnt change a thing. Fig. Young calves have tender mouths and cannot chew coarse hay very wellwhether grass or alfalfa. Larry Stalcup is a freelance writer based in Amarillo, TX. EquiMed and Horse Health Matters are registered trademarks of EquiMed, LLC. Forage quality of any typesummer annual grasses like sorghum/sudan, winter small grains, annual legumes, and perennial grassesdeclines with maturity. Cutting at the proper time means animals will eat the entire hay stem with little waste. I often hear people say they want to give their animals the best feed, and they assume alfalfa is best because it has more protein and calcium. In many geographic regions that get only two or three cuttings of alfalfa per season, first-cutting alfalfa might be the preferred hay for horses. Anything we have fed it to loves it. Depending on the area of the country in which it is grown, oat hay can be low in protein and contain only marginal calcium, phosphorus and carotene." of wheat/acre in the northwest Texas Panhandle near Perryton received heavy hail that either completely damaged the crop or knocked down its yield potential by 50% or more. Oat hay is considered to be more palatable than barley hay and is probably the first choice for this reason, but barley hay can be a useful hay when a horse doesn't need the extra energy and protein in alfalfa and a grass hay is needed. Next to pasture, good quality hay is the ideal feed., A well made first cutting hay is the standard good for everyone hay, you really cant go wrong here. 3). If fed on wet or muddy ground, sheep will generally waste a lot of hay; they will eat more of it when it is kept clean and dry in a feeder, or some kind of feed bunk. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. If your mares do not already receive a fortified concentrate or a balancer pellet to top-off nutrient needs, choose a well-formulated vitamin and mineral supplement to augment your mares diets. In some regions, it is hard to find good grass hay. 3). Is it better to feed her grass hay higher in nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) or alfalfa lower in NSCs but higher in calories? Do you see what my concern is? Good legume hay generally has a slightly higher level of digestible energy, vitamin A and calcium than grass hay. Oat straw is the most palatable; cattle like it quite well. If you see that its all seed heads, it is overly mature and will not be a good use of your money to feed your sheep. The fields that are sprayable must have all similar plants in them. Surviving a wildfire: Thankful, Grateful, Blessed. Sorghum grasses include sudangrass, johnsongrass, hybrid forage sorghums, and grain sorghums. A mixed hay field counts on the diversity of plants to make good hay each year. Offer a salt block and water at all times to round out the diet. Haybet hay barley. Vitamin content depletes considerably in forages once they are dried and made into hay, pellets, or cubes. Factors that can affect nutritional value include plant species in the hay, fertility of soil, harvesting methods (whether the hay was conditioned or crimped to dry faster and lose less leaves and nutrients during drying) and curing time. Oat hay analysis - Atascadero hay and If foxtail millet hay is fed to horses, additional calcium supplementation will be required as it is high in oxalates which are substances that make it difficult for the horse to absorb the calcium in its diet. Shutterstock. If you are planning to graze the wheat, it will take a few weeks to a month after planting for the wheat to be fully tillered. EquiMed Staff - 04/11/2018 Haybet hay barley. There are certain hay types and qualities that you should not be feeding your sheep. However, there are significant differences in the variety, quality and availability of hay, which can make feeding your livestock a time-consuming chore. Alfalfa has about 16 to 20 percent protein, while grass hays are only 8 to 10 percent protein. Tam 204 beardless wheat at a common growth stage (headed to soft dough) often used for hay. A few short awns (1/2) are observed on TAM 204 (left) vs. TAM 401. Three string, 100lb bales. The smell of hay will give a clue to quality. Thus alfalfa is often fed to animals that need more protein and minerals. Here is more information about wheat growth stages:, Your email address will not be published. In some parts of the country fescue, reed canary grass, ryegrass and Sudan grass are common. As a general rule of thumb, grass hay is best for horsesalfalfa or other legume hay can be an excellent feed to mix with grass hay for animals that need more protein. I often hear people say they want to give their animals the best feed, and they assume alfalfa is best because it has more protein and calcium. Phosphorus - 0.23% Forage yield may be near peak but forage quality has declined (see Table 1). WebAny of various annual cereal grasses of the genus (Triticum) of the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia, especially (T. aestivum), widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important edible grain. Barley hay is suitable as an alternative forage for horses. Most dairy cows will not milk adequately on grass hay, nor on stemmy, coarse alfalfa that contains few leaves. Of course, when wheat prices are high, like the $3.50-$4/bu. Read the article on Red Clover at MU Extension for more details on the potential of red clover hay for your sheep. Sheep tend to love alfalfa and will happily eat it. Alfalfa #2 In oats there is no issue with beards, but the trends of increasing forage dry matter and decreasing forage feed value raise the question of what is the optimum time to mow the oats. Just because your animals live outdoors doesnt mean youre off the hook for manure removal. Because beardless wheat is customarily viewed as something that you can let head out to a more advanced stage of maturity, growers and feeders are unwittingly accepting lower forage quality. Low sugar varieties of grass hay are best if you can get it, or a mix of grass & alfalfa. Bad idea. WebIn general the yield drag of beardless wheat in both irrigated and dryland grain variety trials has been lower by 10-15% and as much as 20% lower than our annual Pick wheat varieties for grain. Now, a late made hay is a different story. Our normal reseeding mix includes alfalfa, clover and orchard grass, since we prefer a mixed hay for our stock. ), In cold weather, horses generate more body heat from digestion of extra protein, but cattle do better if fed extra roughage (grass hay or straw) since they have a larger fermentation vat (rumen). Although there are differences between cuttings, quality is most important. With mid-summer dry weather, there's always the possibility of parched pastures. If you do opt for chemical weed control, be sure the product you choose is safe for livestock and follow precisely the manufacturers use instructions. (Photo courtesy Dr. Emi Kimura, Vernon, TX). The best way to check hay is to open a few bales and inspect it closely. To ensure you're getting proper nutrition, choose wheat-free bread and cereal products that are made with whole grains, such as buckwheat, quinoa, millet, amaranth and flax, says Holtzer. Particularly fine-stemmed, leafy alfalfa (rabbit hay or dairy hay) is too rich and palatable for horses (they generally overeat on it) and does not have enough fiber content for proper digestion. We will feed hay that is a bit dusty, it usually is not a big deal. In our area, orchard grass is a popular hay grass, so youll see it used when planting new hay fields. Subscribe to Equinews and get the latest equine nutrition and health news delivered to your inbox. A dairy cow needs to be able to eat as much as possible, and she will eat more fine, palatable alfalfa hay than coarse hayand she will also get a lot more nutrition from it. There is often more waste as horses will sort through the hay, looking for grain or sorting We put western alfalfa in the creep feeder for lambs and in with bottle lambs to get them started on solid foods. A mix of grass and legume hay often works well. Hay falls into several categories: grass, legume, mixed (grass and legume) and cereal grain straw (such as oat hay). Your horse is in good body condition; she is doing well on the grass/alfalfa-mix hay you are currently feeding. Some reports show that horses fed millet hay may show symptoms of lameness and joint swelling. Immature grass hay or leafy alfalfa is usually the best feed for sheep. Mature horses do well on all types of hay, so long as it is free of mold, dust, and weeds. Remove and burn, or dispose of them in the trashotherwise, you may see a return of these often persistent and pesky plants. Fig. But, then there are cases in which Mother Nature can dictate haying decisions. You often cannot tell the quality of the hay by just looking at the outside of a bale. Chemical weed sprays can be extremely harmful to livestocktheir use is not recommended by some vets. However, some types of mold may cause abortion in pregnant cows. Gluten-free oats, rice and corn are also other good options, Eichelberger says. Made on time, first cutting hay is the great all round hay for nearly any livestock (except for high needs animals). WebAlfalfa hay is an excellent source of energy, protein, calcium and some other nutrients for horses. 600 tons Premium beardless wheat hay $140; 125 tons Good big bale beardless wheat hay with few weeds $125; 800 tons Low quality beardless wheat hay rained on in windrow or rained on top bales $75. When feeding barley hay, be aware that awns from the heads may catch in a horse's teeth or cause ulcers in the horse's mouth. They provide the following recommendations for triticale grain fed to horses: Limit the cereal grain to not more than 500g per 100kg body weight per meal, or not more than 4g of starch per kg body weight per meal. Looking at the table above, youll notice that the protein levels of hay vary depending upon the stage at which the alfalfa was harvested. Changing to a legume hay suddenly can make an animal sick, or cause a ruminant animal to bloat. Sheep tend to love alfalfa and will happily eat it. Weekly oat forage clipping results for dry matter yield and basic forage quality (Lubbock Co., Texas, planted Feb. 15). Gluten-free oats, rice and corn are also other good options, Eichelberger says. 600 tons Premium beardless wheat hay $140; 125 tons Good big bale beardless wheat hay with few weeds $125; 800 tons Low quality beardless wheat hay rained on in windrow or rained on top bales $75. J. Keeler Johnson. %%EOF
Thanks for stopping by! Texas A&M AgriLife (Trostle) discusses examples of forage quality as well as tips for producing, selling, buying, and storing different forages in a new PowerPoint that examines these issues from several viewpoints. How can you tell if you have overly mature hay? Some years, good quality forage may be too expensive or unavailable. 2. If you are considering purchasing this type of hay, it can be tested for nitrate content. Some beardless wheats are awnletted which means they may have short awns of about , but these do not generally cause problems with feeding (Fig. 600 tons Premium beardless wheat hay $140; 125 tons Good big bale beardless wheat hay with few weeds $125; 800 tons Low quality beardless wheat hay rained on in windrow or rained on top bales $75. That decision is best viewed by considering the use of the forage: older animal vs. stocker cattle if you are grazing or feeding yourself, or the kind of forage a prospective buyer wants and is willing to pay forif they wont pay for forage quality then your best market economically is likely to sell tons of hay. Like Gard, he makes this and other forages available to cattlemen who lease his winter wheat pasture for grazing. Why Do You Cull Sheep? Alfalfa has two to three times as much calcium as grass hays. Depending on the area of the country in which it is grown, oat hay can be low in protein and contain only marginal calcium, phosphorus and carotene. Webrenovating old alfalfa stands or perennial Winter wheat hay analysis (2010): 10% CP, 55% TDN 1200-lb cow NRC daily requirements: 2.2 lbs CP and 13 lbs TDN Winter: Rye?, beardless wheat, triticale, spelt. WebAlfalfa hay is the classic here. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional. A small amount of alfalfa, or a commercial protein supplement, can provide the needed protein, minerals and vitamins. 3. The nutrition the horse needs, the cost of the hay, and the availability of the feed needs to be carefully balanced to make owning a horse possible for many people. Overly mature hay is basically bedding. Cut in the boot to very early head emergence growth stage, it can have a high nutrient content. If you feed the lactating ewes poor quality hay, you will be shorting the milking ability of the ewe giving the lambs less milk to grow on. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the equine! A thing some grass and some other nutrients for horses 204 beardless wheat a... 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