Vopat [40] argues protection should be linked to the childs moral development and ability to reason, balanced against Article 12 of UNCROC, which includes the duty to consider childrens voice in decisions that affect them. disabilities and users of assistive technology. Available from: https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/women-and-the-sdgs/sdg-4-quality-education. [49] and Stanley et al. Second, some studies argue uniform can distract from a good rapport between students and teachers, which is linked to improved learning (30,37). Eur J Educ Sci (2018). Harrison, SL, Buettner, PG, and MacLennan, R. The North Queensland "Sun-Safe Clothing" Study: Design and Baseline Results of a Randomized Trial to Determine the Effectiveness of Sun-Protective Clothing in Preventing Melanocytic Nevi. Wearing a school blazer has been described as a cultural symbol of reaching and being included in a social ideal of wealth and educational achievement [95]. She is on par with Jackie Robinson in terms of challenging racism, ignorance, prejudice and stereotypes through her athletic prowess, integrity, composure and intelligence. [28] noted there was a greater perception of increased attendance and achievement after uniform was introduced. Therefore, attention to students physical and psychosocial health and wellbeing is important for enhancing educational outcomes. [Internet]. Cost is also a likely concern among all parents in high-income countries. 44(2):14061. School Uniforms Are on the Rise Even for Toddlers and Its Changing Back-To-School Shopping [Internet]. Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning. Underwood, J. doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12851, 48. There is a particularly interesting body of research emerging about properties of school uniform garments. Public Health Rev 42:1604212. doi: 10.3389/phrs.2021.1604212. [Internet]. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85047428417&doi=10.1016%2Fj.buildenv.2018.05.036&partnerID=40&md5=80d3dd4603c218e290b215023638b27e doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.05.036, 71. Further, why are known problems in uniform policy and design not addressed? Regarding uniform use policy, there is little information about how school rules are developed and what principles might look like to ensure uniform use is education and health promoting. This section examines the broader institutional, and socio-cultural contexts which inform uniform use. Glob Health Action (2014). Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84866165682&doi=10.1080%2F15388220.2012.706873&partnerID=40&md5=7ff66ad431e410400bfe3609c626e225doi:10.1080/15388220.2012.706873, 77. However, Davies and other data (e.g., Gasson et al., Naven et al., Catherine and Mugalavai, Simmons-Zuilkowski) suggest the large initial upfront cost is a barrier for poorer families. Whatever the case, wider sociocultural issues are clearly played out through uniforms, and it appears that uniforms can become a proxy for other issues, particularly considering the special status of children and young people. J Pol Anal Manage (2004). 5(2):3445. Thus, New Zealand, uniform design has changed alongside New Zealands education policy and socio-political context [81]. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85089352623&doi=10.3389%2Ffpsyg.2020.01871&partnerID=40&md5=c2f28df41799dac3b45c2e1d40c9b08b, 74. F.S. Wilken and van Aardt [36] and Jones (for higher socio economic status students) [74] report that school uniforms take away stress and family arguments about what to wear on school days. Turner, D, and Harrison, SL. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85042946970&doi=10.1080%2F14681811.2018.1439373&partnerID=40&md5=c7ce849be42e27b5223a48444a929e94 doi:10.1080/14681811.2018.1439373. Other issues like cost, value for money, environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing of materials may be of interest. For instance, in New Zealand Sunsmart is a voluntary school policy to optimize protection of childrens skin from sun damage and sunburn. Discussion seems stymied in a superficial argument about whether school uniforms are good or bad. Yet Gage et al. This article applies a public health lens to review evidence about why we have uniforms and what effects they have on educational and health outcomes. The Impact of School Support on Depression Among Adolescent Orphans: a Cluster-Randomized Trial in Kenya. For instance studies such as Hopkins [51], Norrish et al. 11(1). Meadmore, D, and Symes, C. Keeping up Appearances: Uniform Policy for School Diversity? There is no data that discusses this point directly though some studies involve parents and students [68, 71], and DaCosta [35] recommends involving students in co-designing the uniform, to develop a uniform that provides choice and flexibility. Importantly, any dress is about more than clothing, indicating social relations, self-presentation, and formation in society, and is a sensitive topic in adolescence [78]. Similarly to promoting equity and freedom of religion, human rights protect non-discrimination by gender. Hodge, W, and Osborne-Lampkin, L. When Leadership and Policy Making Collide: The Valley View Middle School Experience. Vopat takes a different approach and considers childrens moral and psychological development. 43(6):113. Thu Jun 23 01:09 PM 2022 Summer Reading Educ Res (2005). Norrish, H, Farringdon, F, Bulsara, M, and Hands, B. Why do we compel children to wear uniforms and persist with policies that detract from physical and psycho-social health, and that disadvantage poorer students? Available from: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/93078826/genderspecific-uniforms-a-relic-of-the-past-secondary-teachers-union-says?rm=m. Australian Primary School Student's Attitudes to Changing from Traditional School Uniforms to Sports Uniforms and Association with Student Characteristics. Of course cost is not the only equity issue in uniform use, but it is an important one. THE ROLE OF NON - GOVERN ME NTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOS) IN EXPANDING ACCESS TO AND PARTICIPATION IN BASIC EDUCATION IN THE BONGO DISTRICT. 49(1):1629. Institutions, human rights laws and societal perceptions of children and childhood constitute important upstream/distal determinants of health and educational outcomes. 19595. [Internet]. Gromova and Hayrutdinova [38] found that for ethnic-minority newcomers to a school, uniform can simply be another strange element to get used to in a new environment. People just walk all over me but is this a good excuse? 69. The author undertook this entire project. Auckland (2014). The one determines the success of the other. Tanushree is a determined, diligent and highly focused individual who is currently enrolled in the specialized LL.M. Mandatory School Uniforms and freedom of Expression. 126. Catherine, SNL, and Mugalavai, VK. The authors hypothesize that in South Korea and Japan, Confucian values of self-discipline and conformity to ritual inform practical aspects of daily life. Wilken, I, and van Aardt, A. [Internet]. All the above elements contribute to wider social settings that facilitate or prevent access to what people need to enjoy good health and education. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-2142770184&doi=10.1002%2Fpam.20002&partnerID=40&md5=1fa050001f23c0664dcc9c102378c8a3 doi:10.1002/pam.20002, 85. We would be glad Further, articles of all types (including commentaries) were included because this research focused on evidence about uniform use, rather than the quality of that evidence. Despite regular judicial, community, and press scrutiny, there is little consensus on the function of school uniforms, or agreement about evidence of their impact on education and health. 20.WHO. doi:10.1093/aje/kwi081, 56. TABLE 3. BBC News (2019). Within schools, uniforms reinforce institutional culture, signaling school values to students [80], thereby identifying the wearer with objectives beyond the self. Draper, J. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-79956077644&doi=10.1177%2F0090591711400026&partnerID=40&md5=1027892c848d28b483cd07c02227dd1b doi:10.1177/0090591711400026. The Globe and Mail (2016). Uniforms positive, neutral, and negative impacts on education and health outcomes. 112. Am J Epidemiol. (2009). p. 230. Anthony, J. These authors also note that uniform prevalence is increasing. The Long Beach Unified School District Uniform Initiative: A Prevention-Intervention Strategy for Urban Schools. (2010). Harv Civ Rights-civil Lib L Rev (2019). [Internet]. Rarely do discussions point to empirical evidence about school uniform garment design and policy about uniform use. blount high school uniform policy 2021. An organisations history, institutional stewardship, values, and traditions are often embodied in uniform, which is possibly why certain designs and materials are so enduring. [Internet]. A South African study reported that uniform helped to maintain classroom discipline [36]. Within institutions uniform is a management tool [21]. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85069439862&partnerID=40&md5=d9c799bac1c1cb419ff7a9d3ce186d2e. Available from: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-29047752 (cited 23 Nov 2020), 17. School Uniform Costs: Children Asking Santa for Basic Items [Internet] (2019). Dressed for Success: Do School Uniforms Improve Student Behavior, Attendance, and Achievement? Indeed, Da Costa [35] reports, the introduction of school uniform created opposition and non-compliance, distracting students and teachers from education. (2013). 41(4):64357. In addition to inequity of physical activity by gender and barriers for minority groups, the cost of uniform garments themselves is a determinant of access to education, and clearly unequally felt across society. 23(2):22550. The firms innovative work has won awards from a wide range of notable organizations including: the Urban Land Institute, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Architects. In Int J Educ Manag [Internet], editor: K Hana, (2016). The Washington Post (2019). Whether a form of governmentality or not, it is clear that uniform is associated with broader societal values. Do we Really Need School Uniforms? Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85058290626&doi=10.1080%2F19404476.2002.11658154&partnerID=40&md5=c1ff7a7867690efa5d4c35bff9c3323b doi:10.1080/19404476.2002.11658154, 29. In New Zealand, a survey of parents [115] found school uniform cost is a significant burden for poorer families. Meadmore and Symes [22] argue that uniforms are not as frivolous as they appear and warrant systematic attention. Whatever the social context, outward signs of faith can challenge both uniform rules and wider societal values such as secularity in public institutions. Sex Educ. 17(2):15977doi:10.2752/175174113X13541091797607, 40. 7(1). Aust N Z J Public Health (2013). It appears that uniform use and policy is a neglected area of research: given its widespread use there is surprisingly little empirical evidence about its use or effects at all. 114(1):2042. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84959111526&doi=10.1371%2Fjournal.pntd.0004109&partnerID=40&md5=f3361a60bbfc3805803a318a3b672947 doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004109, 62. In South Africa and the United States uniforms are used to easily identify intruders on school premises and to reduce gang violence and theft of designer items outside of school [35, 36]. 6(1). Ministry of Education Sends Advice to Schools about Uniform Sales [Internet]. Available from: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84915737039&doi=10.1111%2Fphp.12312&partnerID=40&md5=7ce0591810d2afd1640a0e3e767e64a5 doi:10.1111/php.12312. View the flyer below for more information. Uniform has also been used as part of measures to combat disease. doi:10.1177/1356336x14567545, 50. 37(1):705. The literature that addresses these questions can be divided into three groups. 45(2):17486. Lopez, RA. Bacquet, S. Manifestation of Belief and Religious Symbols at School: Setting Boundaries in English Courts. Case 202 - A School Is Using Health and Safety as the Explanation for Their Policy on Pupils Not Being Allowed to Wear Jewellery [Internet]. 105. Gies, L. What Not to Wear: Islamic Dress and School Uniforms. There is no natural reason why any of this should be so. Conceptually, issues related to uniform design are of interest to researchers of other populations (e.g., prisoners, military) with diminished capacity or whose choice of clothing is restricted. Res Q Exerc Sport. Murray, S. Back to School Costs Rising at Secondary and Primary Level as 27% of Parents Find Themselves in Debt. [Internet]. blount high school uniform policy 2021blount high school uniform policy 2021. blount high school uniform policy 2021. Gereluk, D. What Not to Wear: Dress Codes and Uniform Policies in the Common School. doi:10.1080/0159630960170206, 79. 135.Radio New Zealand. Ward, AL, McGee, R, Freeman, C, Gendall, PJ, and Cameron, C. Transport Behaviours Among Older Teenagers from Semi-rural New Zealand. 6:118. Wearn, R, and England, R. School Uniform: Can it Be Bought More Cheaply? 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