battleheart legacy guide

Battle Heart Legacy Wiki Guide updated May 23, 2011 Click the Edit Page button to get started creating this wiki guide. Shield Rush (Knight) - Movement, damage and stun! First activate Lightning weapon and Mana Strike to temporarily stun. Wind Magic (Wizard) [optional]: The 10% critical chance boost on spells is helpful when leveling. Any stats after completing the build should go to INT. STR will do the same, but without the fire element attached and does not increase Radiance damage at all, so I suggest going all INT. Lasting Affliction: These last two can be replaced without harming the build too much, but lasting affliction does help with horror. Makes you non-targettable for range mobs and force them to use melee attacks on you. Thundering Blows: (Monk) Increases all damage dealt with blunt weapons and unarmed attacks by 10%. It is really up to you based on how much you want to use Aura of Light or not. Cleave (Knight) - Even more area damage, lets you literally cut those enemy groups down in size. Tips for beginners. In the earlier colosseum waves you don't really have to worry, use your abilities how you want, but when you get to around wave 12 start using Power infusion radiance to clear the wave, then if the next wave comes before you have those abilities again, use aegis, mana strike and aura of light to tank it out. Your high health allows you to survive hard hitting enemies, then with this skill, you can hit them back harder, and recover your health. You need DEX10/SKL20 to be able to wield the hurricane bow. hit. The beginning waves are pretty easy with this build. It's a bit of a mishmash. Game Info. Wouldn't cut this. Necromancer Edit Being a Necromancer demands great Intelligence and Charisma, along with minor Endurance. Scroll down for information on unlocking all 12 classes, as well as their skills trees. 2x Howling Sickle (2x 10% crit, 30% crit damage) if you prefer a more balanced build, 2x Black Candle (2x 50% crit damage) if you want bigger numbers. This has a lot of built in sustain and control. A tool to work out the costs/requirements of your build. As requested, focus your firepower on the ranged archers and mages. $4.99 Battleheart Legacy Guide Posted by Jessica Fisher on July 31st, 2014 + Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad The world of Battleheart Legacy is fun and deep; full of wizards, warriors, and witches. The build can be completed by 27. (10 sec cooldown), Increases critical damage with spells by 50%. Divinty. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.Battleheart Legacy and its images are trademarks of mika mobile. No stat requirements. Which is where we come in, with a complete skill tree from each class. Chain lightning and meteor are just fast and deal good damage, you can replace them if you want. That way, when you smoke bomb, with that +30% dodge, you will have 100% dodge, for about 10 seconds. The passives aim to enhance your damages, and the 5% life leech from witch is largely sufficient to keep you healed. Caltrops and Impending Doom can reduce cooldown A LOT. Switch off fire, ice, lightning and use manana strike as much as possible. Battleheart Legacy Walkthrough, Starting Guide, Tips & Tricks (This is mostly tips and tricks I thought would be useful. Thanks a lot bro, you help me so much :) The investment in DEX also give you a bit of dodge (37% in the smoke), so it's definitely the best choice on a high level character. Impending Doom: To take advantage of all the crits this does. 4. The standard magic user build. Due to the high intelligence of the character, Aegis is extremely effecting at later levels (use healing skills before level 15 until it is higher). Lasts until cancelled. you have to have the skill counterstrike from the monk class and the highest dodge level you can have. Just kidding this is actually an overkill joke build I made while I was bored. A build centered around Revenge (Knight final skill), capable of dealing and nullifying massive damage using whatever equipment you feel like using. Welcome to the Battleheart Legacy Wiki This is a fan-made wiki dedicated to Battleheart Legacy , the touch-friendly open world action RPG by Mika Mobile . Refresh skills on cooldown (again, don't activate Revenge directly, use Premeditate). Wrath (Paladin) - Your attacks deal additional damage (chain lightning) to your target and up to two other nearby enemies. Very potent on colosseum. Life Leech and Drain Life are all survivability skills. Flame Weapon on at all times, use Blood Magic(will be referred to as BM from this point on) before using any of your skills, and use Song of Inspiration(will be referred to as SoI from this point) to refresh them. Make sure you target the furthest enemy on the screen, and then walk to the other side, to get the most of it. Charm is great for skirmishes because well-positioned it can stop all threat to you and make their biggest threat easy to kill. This section needs expansion. Prioritize CHA over END with a ratio of 2:1. Are you looking for a collection of the best guide and tips for Battleheart Legacy? Smoke Bomb - Increases your dodge chance by 30% while in the cloud, AND ranged enemies can't target you. Word of Retribution (Paladin) - increases your damage by 20% whenever you use Holy Word or getting healed by potions. HBB is helpful against waves of melee enemies. If low on health use holy word & Aura of Light. Enables you to clear waves easily while standing in a same spot. This build utilizes the ninja passive Impending Doom (-1s all cooldown on crit) to be able to spam skills. Victory Banner (Knight) can replace Power Infusion but it is only MORE effective when fighting enemies that are buffed against holy damage. summon as many minions as possibl, use corpse explode to thin crowds and make more bodies for minions. High weapon power, high health, over 80 armor, 35% lifesteal and fast cooldowns make this build a beast to be reckoned with. Don't spent skill points you get from leveling up before you know what skill or equipment you want next. It's not that it will replace Revenge buff, it's just that you need to take the ranged hit for Revenge to work which this skill prevents from happening. In case you weren't already convinced spamming tornadoes was a good idea heres another reason to spam tornadoes. Reception. See the. ~~The rest are just personal preference, and I gear it for better survival and single target dps to clean up the rest of the battle. Overall just be creative with how the skills in this build are used and make sure to be aware of the situation. Does great AOE damage, single damage, and DOT. That is all :) music: Go nuts guys, as long as you have more than 50% dodge you will live for a long time without using the potions or healing skills. Walkthrough Battleheart Legacy expert hints and tips - Necromancer skill tree Are you looking for a collection of the best guide and tips for Battleheart Legacy? Most will die with 1 blade rush. May 28, 2014. With this power you can win against the malevolent god threatening Haggerdom, you shall be the one to restore freedom to Haggerdom and save the land from ruin. Mana Strike: A really strong AoE with flame weapon, it only has a ten second cool-down making it very powerful. These guide & skill tree & tips will help you to complete your adventure and to beat bosses. Guide for Battleheart Legacy - skill tree, tutorial, tips, hidden characters. Shadowstep - Again, this really good, and is good for movement, Empty Body - This lets you have 100% dodge chance for 4 seconds. If you really need more crowd control you can replace this with either mass hysteria or intimidate. But before we can learn these skills, we need to find a Battlemage. As soon as the stun wears off, use Intimidate and then Divine Hammer. You can help by adding to it. Damage buff doesn't stack on its own. It reflects ALL damage (including ranged and spell attacks! Impending Doom+BM+SoI makes it so that this build has little to no downtime. To play with swords, switch tornado to blade rush and frog to flaming sword. You have a massive 46% cool down speed reduction. Frenzy (Barbarian) [optional]: The cooldown speed increase is great, and the attack speed increase helps trigger Impending Doom more often. Mana Strike: (Battlemage) Requires Flame, Artic or Thundering Weapon active, and behaves differently with each. These guys infuse weapons with spell power to deal additional damage with each strike. In Colosseum, group enemies first with Tornado, after that bombard them with Meteor. Accessories: Anything with helpful properties. Holy Word: (Paladin) Utter a word of prayer to heal your wounds. Fly in with blade rush. (Passive), While active, weapon attacks deal lightning damage, are strengthened by your spell power, and randomly stun your foes. Personally, I use: But really, as long as it allows you to use skills in the build, use anything you want. As tedious as that sounds, it is almost your only option. Save the tanky ones for last. Stealth (Rogue) - Turn invisible, and makes the next 1 skill get 100% critical rate and +50% damage, very important for this build. - Hidden Characters. Devout (Paladin) - increases Radiance damage by 10%. This build centers around using dodge and the counterstrike skill from the monk. This app will be your new best friend. Frenzy (Barbarian) *Important but not required, Aura of Light/Holy Word(Paladin) *Important but not required, Caltrops (Ninja) *Important but not required, Radiance (Paladin) *Optional but Powerful, Preferred weapon: Dual Wield, Archery, Staff Master, Colossal weapons, Shield Training, Favored Soul (Bard) *Important but not required, Impending Doom (Ninja) *Important but not required, Student of the Mind (Wizard) *Important but not required, Death Wish (Barbarian) *Optional but Powerful, Accessories: Almanac of Annihilation X2 or any cooldown or higher crit chance). Greetings Battleheart Legacy wiki! Pretty good, but perhaps replaceable if there is something more unfair. The only must here is the Choker of the Red Feast, or you would suicide real quick with all the BM spamming. Honestly, as long as the build can still physically function, gear is entirely up to you. Weapons: Anything. Spam everything. A build that is a Battlemage, but more Mage than anything, and uses the Impending Doom's power. Relying mainly on Stealth and Blade Rush, the build is capable of dealing up to 5000+ damage with merely 80-90 attack per hand (dual wield). Wander to the wooden door at the back of the library to enter the dungeon. With help with your mummy buddy and spells you stay just out of your enemies' reach. Power Infusion (Paladin) - You always want as much damage output as possible. This screws up your combo and you will need to kite it out to do your combo again. Defend (Knight) - this ability is reserved for charged attacks from monsters mentioned above as it will completely negate its damage. each crit hit. x2 Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball (Trinkets)- The biggest source of Instant Cooldown, +15% from each is pretty much why this style of play is allowed to exist. How to Unlock While traveling the map, after getting to level 5, you will get into a random encounter labeled "?? Now i didn't go with Life Leech for the simple fact Adrenaline Rush heals far better with the speed that your killing things. This build relies on certain staves and armor to work. Blade Rush - This is extremely good. Now how to play. Wishlist. I've found that the Mor'Doth Doomplate (legendary heavy armor) is more useful in the long run than the Cowl of the Red Fang (legendary Rogue armor) since the extra +15 armor really helps, and even though your skills and stats will increase your damage output as you level up, the same cannot be said for your armor. The idea behind this build is to maximize attack speed and reduce cooldown, combined with damage spreading spells, making it possible to use Aura of Light as the main healing component. Turn on the flaming weapon, go stealth. Lasts until cancelled. | Battleheart Legacy In Battleheart Legacy, you never need to restrict yourself to one type of RPG class. Tornado (Witch) [optional]: Great method for triggering Impending Doom more often. So go to the capital city, find the Royal Guard barracks, and head inside. Your damage and health can always be increased by leveling up, but there's a limit to the amount of armor you can have. Shield Training (Knight) - If you're a knight, you obviously need a shield. It is generally easier to stick to one or two classes your first time around so that you're not spreading your valuable stat points too thin. Blade Rush - Massive damage to multiple foes. Basically, save it when you're poisoned. Agree to take on the contract to hunt down the hedge wizard who's hiding in the desert outpost, northwest of the capital. advertisement Up Next: Classes Previous Knight Classes Top Guide. Moreover, the 10% instant cooldown is totally useless with this build and cowl has a better defense. It just refresher the duration. Here's a tip, try to shove a bit of life drain or use Holy Word to compensate for no health regeneration. Also, hitting harder is great, but don't underestimate the value of defensive bonuses - monsters that hit like trucks can be made much easier to deal with by increasing your armor a few points. You may need to do new game + to fully utilize this build to its max potential (JK you don't, you should be able to make this build by around lvl 27 or so). This would skew the total requirements calculation. There will be situations where you will have to use your skills without BM, especially past round 20 in arena, but you'd have to learn that yourself. Technically, it gives 0.5 AP per point of END. Faster attack speed, Crits proc less, Skills cooldown slower. Have. - Full . After wave 22 you can let your hero die as you are *almost guaranteed* to have over 100 kills by then. The pet keeps aggro and radiance does massive damage and keeps you and your pet from taking damage. Due to the fact that I almost always play with unlimited potions. Use it right before you die, and only if radiance is already on cooldown. Choose the side of the ninja and help her fight the guards. You can use lullaby in case you got caught off guard / poisoned and can't stealth mid battle. Might not be worth the Passive slot, but it's hard to judge how effective this is. This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use". Grab the skull, open the treasure chest, and exit to the world map. With this build, achieving wave 30 of the arena is very easy even at level 30. In Battleheart Legacy, you will explore a rich and detailed fantasy world, customize your unique hero with dozens of powerful skills and items, do battle with hordes of enemies, encounter quirky characters and discover the stories of a troubled realm. Use your defensive cooldowns, wisely. Lullaby (Bard) - sleeps every enemy on the screen, allows you to stealth + blade rush even if the battle has started. 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Even higher lifesteal makes "Revenge" incredibly powerful in the arena, where it offsets the increased damage of every wave. This build is remarkably self sufficient and low concentration invested making it ideal for farming legendary weapons/armor in the arena. And nuttin says a holy beat down like a good ole mace. As for what to target first, ALWAYS take down the mages before anything else as they can heal. You get penalized a percent of your gold each time you do. This build has no sustain so finishing fights quickly and cleanly will help save health potions. Blade Rush: (Ninja) Fly to your target, damaging each enemy on path. When enemies appear, activate Premeditate, then Revenge. While Cleave will be used for removing multiple enemies Blade Rush works too and if your're about to die activate Last Stand and make sure to heal afterwards. Grit: Gives you quite a bit more attack power. Antique Hourglass: Overall a great item increasing your attack and cooldown by a significant margin. This works on hard mode super easy. I tried this build with all 3 legendary armor, and it worked fine. OH MY! This build is fun and unique. Blood Magic: Essential because it powers up magic abilities. The best accessories for this build seem to be the Black Candle (+50% crit damage) and Antique Hourglass (+18% Attack Speed, +13% Cooldown Speed). Learning your foes' patterns is invaluable in helping avoid damage, thus keeping you alive long enough to kill the monsters and grab their treasure. It will also proc Word of Retribution for burst dps window. It is easy to play, but quite difficult to master. The end result is Infinity Mage, a variant of wizard/witch which focuses on packing as many high impact spells as possible, and spamming the living hell out of them. Mass Destruction (Wizard) - increases Radiance damage by 10%. (25 sec cooldown), Grants a mystical shield which absorbs damage equal to 5x your spell power. In Battleheart Legacy, you will explore a rich and detailed fantasy world, customize your unique hero with dozens of powerful skills and items, do battle with hordes of enemies, encounter quirky characters and discover the stories of a troubled realm. Investing in CHA would result in more powerful Radiance, but INT, while not as prominent, still DOES increase Radiance damage, and that literally everything else you do scales with INT via Flame Weapon. If the shield breaks, your damage dealt is increased 20% for 5 seconds. And as you might expect it is amazing during boss fights. In the later waves these are your main ways of not taking immense damage, so make sure you remember to use them often before randomly clicking other buttons mindlessly. After the first nuke, you should be able to clear the rest with your other skills. Radiance: One of the strongest abilities in the game, with power infusion it can nearly wipe out a whole wave of the colosseum by itself. Remember to copy your save file before you go crazy and kill all trainers for fun. Coupled with Counter Strike, this skill damages and synergise with Impending Doom to reduce cooldowns. I have also added a warning for when the same skill is selected more than once. Changing elements resets Mana Strike's cooldown. Savage Pounce (Barbarian) - With yet another rush attack, you'll always have a way to instantly escape dangerous attacks and narrow the gap to those pesky ranged enemies. Intimidate, Defend and Drain Life are all great emergency buttons. Extremely strong, even though you are using life drain, this becomes very powerful in later colosseum waves. Dodging attacks deals damage. Horror: You will rarely use this, however it is important as an emergency skill. - Full . From weakest to strongest. Try to avoid it, if possible. This app will be your new best friend. This is a convertible build that can be played with swords or staff equally effectively. Trying to tank through the golem's rage (when he turns red and hits extra hard) when you're not a high enough level (but with tier 7 armor and trinkets) will still easily tear you apart. Note that Radiance is great to use on injured clerics to stop them from healing or teleporting, or in conjunction with Aura of Light to heal you for potentially huge amounts. - Two melee weapons of choice (I used the Obsidian Soulcrusher and Tombcaller), - Cowl Of The Red Fang (helps with offense), - Howling Sickle (make sure to use two of them), - Blade Rush (a crucial skill in this build due to it's utility), - Last Stand (allows for some survivability), - Aegis (skill that can be defensive but also could improve offense), - Song Of War (improves offense and defense), - Premediate (works well with Blade Rush), - Thundering Weapon (improves offense and the effect could be useful with Thrust), - Dual Wield (absolutely crucial in this build), - Impending Doom (reduces cooldowns significantly allowing for skills to be ready when needed), - Flurry (faster attacking means more opportunities to land critical strikes or stun enemies), - Lethality (goes hand in hand with Impending Doom), - Lethal Edge (perfect for Impending Doom and Lethality). You want to get into the habit of keeping Wrath, Frenzy, and Power Infusion (and Aura of Light if you have it) on cool-down ALL the time. This is an all purpose build that can do just about anything. Your spellpower is low anyways so Backlash will deal insignificant damage that you won't even notice it. Keep using frenzy when off cooldown. With all this dodge, you will get 70% dodge (30% (dexterity),+30% (2x Ghost Stones), and +10% (evasion)). 1st you have massive melee power when you turn on Flame Weapon. Don't use multiple/all of them at once. Stacks with other sources of CDR which will result to more uptime from your mitigation cooldowns. It can be fully built by level 26. Impending Doom - Decreases cooldown by 1 sec. Target the enemy at the end of the line, stand at the other end of that line, and then Blade Rush and see the magic. Then activate Aura of Light and anything else you want. Revenge is a truly wonderful skill. When leveling, use mage armor to boost spell power and go for critical chance accessories. If not, then pop Defend as it will completely negate the damage you will take from it. A little kiting is required for higher Colosseum waves but overall, it is fun and challenging to play. The damage reduction from the armor bonus will ensure that your lifesteal keeps up with your health lost. Twin Strikes: (Ninja) Lash out with two weapons at once, striking for 3.5x damage with each hand. When you land a crit, your cool downs reduce by 1 second. Premediate is very useful in small areas like in the Coliseum because it lets you use Blade Rush/Twin Strike twice in a row (both of those skills are much more powerful than Savage Pounce), Frenzy (Barbarian) - CD reduction and attack speed buff, Optional: Power Infusion (Paladin) - Damage buff, Lethality (Ninja) - Increased crit damage by 50%, Cowl of the Red Fang - 5% crit and 50% crit damage, Howling Sickle- 15% crit and 30% crit damage, Choose female, red hair, name her Amelia, and equip a sword. You see that I use tons of healing, this is because you are in the middle of mobs for a lot of the time. Dual Wield (Ninja) - You can dual wield two weapons. As soon as the annoying bugs surround you, use whirlwind and mana strike. (Passive), Disrupt the magical abilities of all nearby enemies, preventing them from casting spells for 8 seconds. Activate your elemental weapon, then use Aura of Light, Power Infusion and Wrath and then run into battle. The only thing you actually have to worry about is usage of Aura of Light/Horror. 1. At a high level you can easily get to 400-500 kills, after that, the mobs begin to OS you. I like staves to boost damage boosts on Tornado and Radiance (and Revenge too, as far as I can tell). Elemental Weapon of your choice (Battlemage) - Since you're investing in Intelligence instead of Strength, most of your melee damage will come from your elemental weapon skill. This build will focus on raising Skill and using equipment to maximize Crit%, thus minimizing cooldowns thanks to Impending Doom. Replace this with either mass hysteria or intimidate Red Feast, or you would suicide quick! Or concerns.Battleheart Legacy and its images are trademarks of mika mobile little no. Of the arena, where it offsets the increased damage of every wave per point END! And head inside with horror what skill or equipment you want next to. 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