'Deepest image of our universe' ever taken by Webb Telescope will be revealed in July. The same is true of galaxies in clusters, which leads scientists to believe that something we cannot see is at work. What we are shown on the Internet and on CERNs website are pictures of the so-called underground chambers where different large machines have been built. collider hadron cern opening clouds portals over doing prove bizarre express magnetic shock claim pull field could Once upon a time, this strange liquid might have been called snake oil. For further information, questions or help, check our website or contact us at Computer.Security@cern.ch. I call rolling Bullshit Dinosaurs more bs. A complete audit of CERN is not possible because of secretive Swiss banking laws and regulations. In the early days of the internet, backbone providers exchanged their traffic at government-sponsoredNetwork Access Points(NAPs), until the government privatized the internet, and transferred the NAPs to commercial providers. If its a valid CERN computing account, the action is simple: youre asked to check all your devices for any sign of compromise and youre forced to change your CERN password the next time you log in1. Published Then 13 billion year old galaxies would then appear to be moving at +100,000 miles per second, disproving the hoax. Physicists Franois Englert and Peter Higgs first theorized the existence of the Higgs boson in the 1960s. Thank goodness we now know these scientists as modern day snake oil hustlers. The NAPs were a key component in the transition from the 1990sNSFNET era (when many networks were government sponsored and commercial traffic was prohibited) to the commercial Internet providers of today. Theoriginal four NAPsare in Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, and California. 3: While stealing your password might have been easy, getting hold of your smartphone or login dongle is hard. And it meets all the criteria for twelve basic strategies of perception management. It is the Network Access Point (NAP) of the Americas, one of the worlds largest data centers, which redirects most of the digital information that comes from Latin America. Heres the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. This certainly begs the question: Where is all the money going? Whether the agendas are gun control, war, or banking bail-outs, false flags use legal methods of deception used to persuade the sleeping masses that these agendas are necessary for their protection and National Security. For the big bang to have happened and created the whole universe as we know it, the opposite thing would have happened. Webinsects and spiders of Northern Virginia, as described by the Prince William Conservation Alliance All Rights Reserved. We are regular citizens, with average intelligences, using basic high school science principals to understand what CERN claims to do. 254K views 1 year ago. The NAP is, in short, one of the internets brains facilitating peoples online activity. The password database of Troy Hunt is only one of many. European Organization for Nuclear Research, called the video fiction and blamed its creation on lab employees, CERN has been accused of trying to summon the anti-Christ, open a portal to Hell and rip apart the universe. Even though we have not found sufficient evidence that these experiments are actually possible or that CERN is actually doing them, we are concerned about the cavalier acceptance that a body of international physicists could be permitted to conduct such dangerous experiments with dire consequences for humanity, without approval by the United States Congress and other individual nation states (not the collective UN body, but individual, sovereign nation states) and that the worlds citizenry isnt made more aware of what is actually going on. cern hell portal hadron collider universe professor experiment nasa investigations current science step nature events The last time CERN was turned up to full capacity, strange things have happened around the world affecting the earths magnetosphere, and an unexplained spiral was observed in Norway. Is there a possibility that CERN opens an inter dimensional portal? What are they really looking for? Investment Watch CERN is based upon the efficacy of the big bang theory which is completely incorrect. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you want to build something secret and keep it secret, you might consider Switzerland where you can hide money, politics, and in this case, the very machine itself. Do you want to learn more about computer security incidents and issues at CERN? switched on after being closed for three years of maintenance and upgrades. Dark matter candidates arise frequently in theories that suggest physics beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions. Switzerland will be the exclusive recipient of the funds that will be ten times greater than the already existing CERN costs, which is the most expensive scientific research in history. cern demonic cern demonic The fewer remain compromised, the better for the security posture of us all. ANetwork Access Point (NAP)is a public network exchange facility whereinternet service providers(ISPs) connected with one another in peering arrangements. Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons by Gsponer, We did find Latin,Greek and Hebrew scriptures on the gate, this gate is all so linked to a computer program at CERN, and yes I do believe activist hacked CERN. It includes offensive cyberwarfare capabilities, like injecting malware into remote computers. The Large Hadron Collider, which opened in 2008, is the only place in the world where the Higgs boson can be produced and studied in detail. CERN has discovered nothing and is only good for collecting data and analyzing it. Do we really believe that the Swiss, known only for manufacturing Swiss watches and knives, built the most complicated machine in the world? Consisting of a ring 27 kilometers (16.7 miles) in circumference, the Large Hadron Collider located deep underneath the Alps is made of superconducting magnets chilled to 271.3C (-456 F), which is colder than outer space. Where are the pictures of the vast amounts of dirt that had to be excavated? CERN is the justification for the continued mad science that is conducted by theorists who have wasted trillions on big bang nonsense and particle physics that only leads to nuclear weapons. According to themost advanced theoretical researchon the subject,they can create strangelets that would sink the earth into a rock of a few kilometers of diameter. The Cube, unlike other data centers, rents its equipment and space to private and public customers, so that they can share information between them. The video was repeatedly dissected by conspiracy theorists, at least some of whom believed it was evidence of dark deeds at the facility. cern demons portals disclose Trailblazer Project: NSA program intended to develop a capability to analyze data carried on communications networks including cell phone networks and the Internet. cern lhc collider hadron Within a few years, the dominance of the NSFNet backbone led to the decommissioning of the redundant ARPANET infrastructure in 1990. Now, though, researchers at the University of Southern Denmarks Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics Phenomenology suggest that while the CERN scientists did discover a unique new particle, theres no conclusive evidence of it being the Higgs boson. Right from the beginning CERN objective sounded very suspicious to me. WebWhat are the oddest events that have happened since CERN's Large Hadron Collider was activated on 5th July? Main Core: A personal and financial database storing information of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats tonational security. We have applied the indicators specifically to CERN at the link below: What is so astonishing is that CERN tells you on its own website what you need to look for in order to discern an internet hoax. If what you want is concealment to launder and hide boatloads of money, Geneva, home of internationalism and globalism (IMF, BIS, League of Nations, World Council of Churches, Swiss banks, etc.) 1: In the past, the annual password change was another catch-all, but as it happened annually, the time between the password being compromised and action being taken could have been a whole year. The Machine All other atom smashers in the world are either above ground or have continuous ground level access points around the circle or tunnels. On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the worlds most famous science labs. CERN does not have 17 miles of tunnels because there is no evidence they were ever built and the photographs of CERN machines show that they are not connected to the accelerator. The questioning scientist can have his/her professional licenses revoked, professional associations withheld, job terminated, and reputation ruined. It is developing a massivedata miningsystem which collects and analyzes data on everyone in the United States and performs a threat analysis of them. The Georgia Guidestones was the first of the strange moments that occurred post CERN activation. We cant see any of those W-bosons, Higgs-bosons, or top quarks these folks claim to have detected. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The first stop depends on your personal vigilance. Every single password change counts. It is situated between France and Switzerland. (4) Plasma cosmologyattempts to describe the universe in terms of the electrodynamic properties of the universe. At CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of particles that make up everything around us. CERN cannot prove anything because its basic assumptions are false and inconclusive, based on consensus rather than authentic, reproducible scientific research. Sort of like the paid crisis actors that we find in other false flags events. Or when the password database used by your favourite cloud service provider is hacked. Even though 95% of the supposed CERN tunnels are in France, Geneva is in full control of CERN finances. ThinThread: NSA program involving wiretapping and sophisticated analysis of the resulting data. Security measures are especially strict at the NAP, and it is rare to be granted access. The theory reconciles the apparent evidence that the universe is expanding by suggesting that the universe generates matter at a rate proportionate to the universes rate of expansion. So, the public was fed one narrative (understanding the universe) and the Family and governments knew the truth. Most of the scientists at CERN were kept completely in the dark, after all the collider would perform its function as normal and collide particles for eager funding hunters to capitalize on. Follow our Monthly Report. The four Network Access Points (NAPs) were defined under the U.S.National Information Infrastructure(NII) document as transitional data communications facilities at which Network Service Providers (NSPs) would exchange traffic, in replacement of the publicly-financedNSFNETInternet backbone. Frankly, when we lived in Boston during the big dig it was impossible not to see traffic congestion, cost overruns, corruption, and lots of trucks, construction workers, and dirt. What project is more technical than CERN? Big deal. In a Dec 14, 1936 interview with Time magazine, Shift on Shift the father of big bang said it was a hoax to get funding for a 200 inch telescope which could see four times deeper into space. Particle physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced two years ago they had discovered the Higgs particle, considered the foundation particle in the Standard Model of Particle physics, and a Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for their work on the theory of the Higgs boson. See video:Weird CERN Symmetry Shiva Dance of Destruction. On multiple occasions when CERN has been fully activated, weird anomalies have occurred. Each location has an elevator that goes down to the underground facilities where large machines connect to the supposed 17 mile long rings on three different levels. WebStrange Discovery at CERN! Persons that are authorized to access the CERN site sometimes let their sense of humor go too far, and that is what has happened on this occasion, the FAQ stated. CERN claims to be the most dangerous machine scientists have ever built. BIRTH OF WEB, LHC PAGE 1, BULLETIN Computer Security: Upcoming password consider Computer Security: Protective intelligence. 1.16M subscribers. Utah Data Center: The Intelligence Communitys US$1.5 billiondata storagecenter that is designed to store extremely large amounts of data. I just want to state my opinion here, Where they are doing the experiment, strange things are happening, paranormal things. Today, the Big Bang is pushed so vehemently, especially among higher education, that anyone who questions its validity, even in light of the countless flaws of the big bang theory, can be subject to intense criticism, professionally and socially ostracized and rejected, given failing grades, andexpelled from universities. Or a commodity to be sold on the dark web to attackers who do want to strike? Well said & written. ATLAS detector (2005-11-04) by CERN (Maximilien Brice) CERN. cern The big bang, much like the Santa Claus hypothesis, no longer makes testable predictions wherein proponents agree that a failure would falsify the hypothesis. 3 In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds but have not affected the weather Credit: Getty Images Other theorists suggest CERN is (2) TheEkpyrotic modelsuggests our universe is the result of a collision of two three-dimensional worlds on a hidden fourth dimension. In fact, researchers have been able to infer the existence of dark matter only from the gravitational effect it seems to have on visible matter. By ignorance because the only way to be certain in your mind that the big bang theory could work is because you dont have all the facts. The Castor Team affirms the LHC will likely create stable strangelets. WebThere are already hints of new physics in the data CERN has produced: shadows of unseen particles and structures in the data, their existence implied by strange asymmetries and discordant relationships between the particles so far discovered apparent gaps in the Standard Model of particle physics that imply missing pieces. Thats why CERN decided to give up on password resets and concentrate instead on password disclosure databases (https://home.cern/news/news/computing/computer-security-password-revolutions). The program was created in the late 1960s to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of theSoviet Unionand itsEastern Blocallies during theCold War, and was formally established in 1971. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasawebbtelescope/30999320066/in/album-72157629134274763/. CERN is the largest scientific collaboration in the world. Hadron colliders, which are actually real mechanical devices, evolved during the cold war to create small nuclear explosions which could be used by the military as a sample of future nuclear bombs. (To read more about the military industrial complex, see our links at the end of this article. CERN gives scientists permission to have free reign to rip apart or explode anything they want just because they are trying to find the God particle. Meet the explorer that could be 1st to search for life in Martian caves. CNNs Sara Spary and Nick Thompson contributed to this report. In our recent article False Flags and Legal Propaganda by the Department of Defense, we showed you how the United States government made it legal to commit propaganda on its citizenry through the expanded powers of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The next false flag that we want to point out to our fellow patriots is the international false flag called CERN. It also hides the real purpose of CERN: It is the NWO super hub of the military industrial complex for the World Wide Web. It can even track bank accounts. As a result, almost all professors and scientists are too afraid of being ostracized from their communities and face losing their jobs to speak out against the preposterous science. weather cern events apocalyptic is a perfect place to hide the scientific-financial-military hoax of all times. Information Awareness Office: An office established to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other threats to U.S. national security. Did you encounter any technical issues? Granted, we are not trained physicists or highly-paid university researchers. CERN will commemorate the launch with a livestream at 10:00 AM, Eastern time. CERN discovers highly suspicious particle behaviour. Other packet-switched computer networks began to proliferate in the 1970s, eventually adopting TCP/IP protocols or being replaced by newer networks. And now we learn that CERN wishes to enlarge its facility by creating an atom smasher ten times bigger than the current ones. cern collider hadron chalice crystal Several of the Hebrew symbols was all so found, on the Star Gate and at CERNs which is a mathematical code, Yod is an astrological aspect pattern that involves any three planets or points in the horoscope that form an isosceles triangle. Latitude and Longitude: can be found on the Star Gate: Greek Lambda (). CERN Conspiracy by Anonymous Part two is a link, I only share a little of the information, activist did not release all the data, but they will. 4. Proton beams have already been circulating in the accelerator complex since April, when it was switched on after being closed for three years of maintenance and upgrades. In 2013, one year after the particles discovery, Englert and Higgs won a Nobel prize for their far-sighted prediction. There are 18 data centers around the world which play an important role in global digital communications. Although the U.S. funds more money at CERN than any other country, any top secret weapon research and development is not U.S. proprietary. In an article entitled: NSA Concerned: CERNs Data the Only Ones They Cannot Make Sense Of, from February 4, 2014, we read that: NSA officials are increasingly concerned about the fact that they cannot understand the data produced by theLarge Hadron Colliderat the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. Particles, or bits of matter, range in size and can be larger or smaller than atoms. There are confusing stories, multiple budgets, hidden assets and donations that are shared between seven different cities in France and Switzerland. Perhaps the locals know that CERN is a hoax, that they are not in danger, and (sorry to be so cynical) they are being compensated for their silent participation. Thank you for exposing the truth. An announcement from the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has put serious wind up apocalyptic conspiracy theorists online, with some ET on Tuesday. By faith, because you cant believe something which does not have adequate scientific evidence except as a philosophical viewpoint. CERN is hidden from sight and as secure as possible in a country that is notorious for keeping secrets. What if the attackers just sit tight and keep your password as a trophy, a token, an opportunity to be used later? The Higgs boson itself may point to new phenomena, including some that could be responsible for the dark matter in the universe, said Luca Malgeri, a spokesperson for CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), one of the four big Large Hadron Collider experiments, which is built around a huge electromagnet. Dark matter is thought to make up most of the matter in the universe and has previously been detected by its ability to create gravitational distortions in outer space. cern sounds strange worldwide anthony patch heard finale coming grand Improved ATLAS result weighs in on W boson, New LHC experiments enter uncharted territory. These liquids are the explosives responsible for cosmic annihilations, such as novas, super-novas and perhaps the hypothetical big bang of the universe. No one has been able to stop or thoroughly examine CERN experiments as it is sanctioned by a mysterious assembly of international associations where the ultimate authority of the project has been so hidden through Jesuit-like compartmentalization that you cannot find any one leader, CEO, or entity in charge. All because the inquiring scientist wentagainst the prevailing notions. cern empire state building kali Even though America donates the largest amount of yearly funding, all member countries share data that ensures the international war machine has plenty of weaponized technology for all sides. But theres still much thats unknown about the Higgs boson, and unlocking its secrets may help scientists understand the universe at its smallest scale and some of the biggest mysteries in the cosmos. If our limited high school science background can question this, why arent more university professors calling out the HOAX OF ALL TIME. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. collider hadron cern clouds over opening portals doing prove bizarre express discovers matter known form inject vaccination chips secret plan And these tuples are actionable. It could be a number of other known particles.. It appears that CERN data is simply computer simulations of fake experiments that do not match the data from other legitimate accelerators around the world. For further information, questions or help, check our website or contact us atComputer.Security@cern.ch. Essentially, CERN wrote the base code for individuals to access the internet. Mysterious Dr X says, Universe is NOT Expanding at At one point, a woman in the video removed her cloak. Its about what the educational and governing authorities say they want you to believe and say is true. The name means horned one, and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing stags horns upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. What could be more life-threatening than opening black holes that could swallow the earth or finding anti-matter that destroys the entire Earth in the process? CERN is run by Warlord Bankers from Geneva which is the home of the New World Order through the United Nations and the IMF, BIS, WCC, etc. CERN claims to have found the Higgs Boson particle called the God Particle. 3. Or better yet, we challenge any scientist to refute these points with readers of this website. But what is dark matter? CERN) was just a prank gone too far. The Money no one knows who all gives to CERN or how much money has been spent to date. (2021 EVENTS) Jason A. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. Here are the questions we would like some of these 25,000 highly educated scientists to clear up for us before we send you another billion dollars: Perhaps never in the history of science has so much quality evidence accumulated against a model so widely accepted within a field. Indeed, many young scientists now think of this as a normal process in science, just as consensus has replaced the scientific method! There are no good reasons to continue splitting atoms with a quark cannon. BULLRUN: NSAprogram to preserve its ability to eavesdrop on encrypted communications. In the latest round of experiments, CERNs scientists will study the properties of matter under extreme temperature and density, and will also be searching for explanations for dark matter and for other new phenomena, either through direct searches or indirectly through precise measurements of the properties of known particles. , such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions now we learn that CERN wishes to enlarge its by... 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William Ritchie Obituary, Wurtz Fittig Reaction Class 12, William Sylvester Cause Of Death, Decomposers In The Everglades, Articles C